About me

  👋🏻 As a 20-year-old aspiring professional based in Bucharest, Romania, I am deeply committed to utilizing my engineering skills to develop innovative applications. With a strong foundation in electronics engineering from Polytechnic University of Bucharest, I am skilled at using programming languages such as C++, C#, Python, and Java to bring creative ideas to life. I am actively seeking employment opportunities where I can apply my versatile skill set in software development, system administration, or related fields to contribute meaningfully to impactful projects.

  You can contact me via email or connect with me on other social media platforms that you can find in the left panel (Link tree). I look forward to hearing from you and discussing potential opportunities further.

What i'm doing

  • cpp icon


    Computer science graduate skilled in C++ programming, with hands-on experience in implementing algorithms and data structures through university projects. Proficient in modern C++ standards, showcasing efficiency and problem-solving abilities. Collaborative team player with effective communication skills honed through project work. Eager to apply academic knowledge to real-world software development challenges.

  • c-sharp icon


    Self-directed learner with a solid grasp of C# programming language acquired through dedicated online courses. Proficient in the fundamentals of .NET framework, object-oriented programming, and software development concepts. Skilled in translating theoretical knowledge into practical coding scenarios. Focused on continuous learning and staying updated with the latest C# advancements. Eager to apply acquired skills in a practical work environment, with a strong commitment to professional growth and development.

  • python icon


    Results-driven Python developer with a solid academic background, adept at creating web applications, data analysis tools, and automation scripts. Demonstrated practical experience using Django, Flask, NumPy, and pandas in project settings. Independent problem solver with a knack for designing and implementing solutions. Adept at adapting to new technologies and exploring diverse applications of Python in software development.

  • java icon


    Self-taught Java developer with a solid foundation gained through online courses and independent study. Proficient in building enterprise-level applications using Java, Spring framework, and Hibernate ORM. Applied knowledge in database design and SQL through practical projects. Familiar with agile methodologies and version control systems. Quick learner with a proactive approach to software development challenges. Eager to contribute hands-on Java skills and adaptability to collaborative team environments.

  • linux icon


    Resourceful and detail-oriented professional with a solid understanding of Linux systems at a medium level. Proficient in system configuration, user management, and troubleshooting in diverse Linux environments. Demonstrated expertise in shell scripting for automation and task optimization. Skilled in utilizing package management systems and maintaining system security through access controls and firewalls. Familiar with server deployment and maintenance, including web servers (e.g., Apache, Nginx) and databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL). Strong commitment to staying abreast of Linux advancements and applying practical solutions to enhance system efficiency. Ready to contribute well-rounded Linux skills and a proactive problem-solving approach to system administration roles.

  • jetbrains icon


    Detail-oriented software developer with a focus on JetBrains IDEs as primary tools during university studies. Proficient in leveraging IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and CLion to develop, debug, and optimize code across various languages, including Java, Python, and C++. Solid understanding of software development principles and best practices acquired through practical application in JetBrains environments. Skilled in collaborating with cross-functional teams and adapting quickly to different development ecosystems.



  1. Alexandru Odobescu National College

    2018 - 2022

    I studied mathematics and informatics at Alexandru Odobescu National College for 4 years, after which I took the Bachelor's degree exam

  2. Politehnica University of Bucharest - ETTI

    2022 - Present

    I study at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology within the Politehnica University of Bucharest. I study the main profile of this faculty where I learn embedded circuit programming, PCB design and many other things in the field of electronics.


  1. Personal projects

    2014 — Present

    I make various projects/applications for myself or other people (for a fee). These projects are either public on my GitHub page or private. These made me continue, always discovering new things, developing myself as a programmer.

My skills

  • C++
  • C#
  • Python
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Linux